Kali NetHunter Rootless -
Kali NetHunter is type of Kali Linux specially made for Android phone and tablets. This will help you in offensive security and penetration testing. This will came along bunch of hacking and cyber security tools like Information Gathering, Password Cracking, WiFi Hacking, Exploitation Tools, Social Engineering and much more. You can also access root terminal of Kali nethunter without rooting your android device. You can also get graphical user interface of Kali nethunter which is same look as Kali Linux.
Installation Process :
You must have Android device with Android version 6+. Rooting of your android is not required. If your device is rooted you can still install Kali nethunter in your android device.
This are a steps for install Kali nethunter in your android device with termux and with graphical user interface of Kali Linux.
Step 1 : First visit website store.nethunter.com and download NetHunter-Store app and open app and download following apps.
- Termux
- Nethunter-KeX Client
Step 2 : Open Termux app and type following commands one by one.
pkg up -y
pkg install wget -y
wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZWr
chmod +x install-nethunter-termux
installation process will be started size of nethunter rom is around 1.4 GB, make sure you connected to wifi or you have enough mobile data for download nethunter. Download and extraction process will take around 30-60 minutes. Don't close or minimize termux while download and extraction process.
Step 3 : For get Graphical User Interface of Kali nethunter you have to type following commands.
nethunter kex passwd
then set password for your nethunter
nethunter kex &
copy port number that you will get then open nethunter kex client app and enter port number and password and tap on connect button. Nethunter Graphical User Inrerface will be started
For Video Tutorial Visit this Link : https://youtu.be/JbcxRog3zHI